One year NewSOC project under pandemic restrictions

Monday 22 Feb 21

One year ago, in January 2020, we held the kick-off meeting for the European NewSOC project with 16 strong partners, setting out towards the next generation solid oxide fuel cell and electrolysis technology from materials to component level. While starting with great enthusiasm, we suddenly faced a covid-19 lock-down, where societies completely closed, including any lab work, already two months later.

As one of the consequences, we held our first half year meeting virtually. Main focus was on delays caused by the covid-19 lock-downs. Now it was time for the second half-year meeting, again virtually. Despite the huge challenges as a consequence of the pandemic, we demonstrated significant progress of the project. Five scientific articles published or submitted for publications and 12 contributions to conferences witness about the achievements.

We submitted for example a contribution to the upcoming SOFC XVII conference where we want to share selected project highlights of development of (i) high performing, impurity tolerant and stable electrodes, both by modifying composition and structure of state-of-the-art materials and by introducing novel structures and materials and of (ii) alternative manufacturing methods providing cost efficient routes with less environmental impact.

It is clear that we all miss the intensive exchange and the motivations we gain from meeting each other. The last year has also shown that we are able to cope with difficult situations and can deliver.

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