News about NewSOC Meeting ”6th and Final Half Year meeting”

Thursday 11 May 23

IREC in Barcelona was the kind host for the final project meeting of the NewSOC project in April 2023. Again, we organized the meeting as mixed physical/virtual event and we were happy to meet with 22 participants in person. As during the previous meetings, we could gladly ascertain the huge progress within the work packages and tasks. Being only two months before the project end, we can finally confirm the achievement of the objectives of the NewSOC project. All proposed concepts have shown great potential and most of them made it into industrial cells and stacks to confirm the improvements beyond state-of-the-art. The results were disseminated in an impressive number of conference contributions and scientific articles and more will certainly come.
On the other hand, a final challenge is still ahead, to emphasise the reached successes in the final reporting, which – as usual – collides heavily with the Summer holidays. We laid a strategy for the reporting and will hopefully be able to convey our good results to the EU.

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