News about NewSOC ” Milestone 9 reached”

Tuesday 16 May 23

Path towards TRL > 5

The NewSOC project reached the overall objectives of:

  • 25% Increase of the applicable electrolysis current at degradation rates below 1%/1000 h
  • 25% Reduction of the area specific resistance
  • 25% Increase of cycling stability for reversible operation, thermal and load cycling
  • 25% Reduction of cell manufacturing costs, and
  • 25% Reduction of toxic organics or materials during manufacture.

The improved components were integrated into industrial cell and stack configurations and the results were verified at the level of large cells with > 50 cm2 active area and short-stacks in close collaboration with industry, thereby moving the technology readiness level (TRL) from 2 to 4.

The following activities were carried out in order to path the way towards TRL >5 after end of the NewSOC project:

  • Industrial NewSOC partners have integrated improved components into their platforms
  • Presentation of the overall project results to a broad public and industrial audience at the Technical Forum of the trade fair Hannovermesse, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Exhibition, 2023
  • Participation in the EU Innovation Radar
Publication of a general set of recommendations after discussion with the industrial project partners (public deliverable D6.5) 


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